Google has included Chrome Web Store in Google Chrome to make simple way to install any extensions and apps to enchant your browser. Sometime after trying any extensions or apps, you don’t like it so you want to remove it. To remove Chrome extension you must go extension location by typing “chrome://chrome/extensions” at your Chrome address bar.
If you want to remove Chrome apps, you will not find it as extension location but you can remove it easily from Chrome Web Store again and click Your Apps link and it will show some installed Apps associated with your Google Account and click one Apps and it will bring you to Apps page. On that page you will see “Remove from Chrome” with recycle icon so just click it to uninstall that Apps from your Chrome.
Actually there is another way to uninstall any Apps from your Chrome, just open new tab on your Chrome and navigate to Apps tab and it will show some installed Apps. Right Click on Apps that you want to uninstall and click Remove from Chrome. Both ways have same function to uninstall any Apps from your Chrome and first way maybe more effective while you are in Chrome Web Store and second way is faster way to uninstall it. Enjoy it!