Google have provide a free good service Google Translator to translate any language in this world but some time you need more. When you think it doesn’t enough for you, actually there are many free apps that has same ability.
In this post I will share free add-ons for Firefox browser that might be useful when you browser any site not in your language and you can easily translate it on Firefox.
These are the best translator add-ons for Firefox base on my experience:
Complete add-ons that not just a translator but can check grammar, text to speck and the best part it support around 75 languages and it adopts popular translator service on internet such Google Translator, Wikipedia and Babylon.
Little bit same with FoxLingo but it support less language that they claim 39 languanges. Clean and simple tool but you can translate one original language to many languages easily with plus button.
Actually this just a tool to make user easier to use Google Translator. Install it on Firefox will make you have translate menu if you select any text and right click to see a menu to translate.
From three add-ons above I choose the best translator add-ons is FoxLingo because of its rich features. Enjoy it!